Monday, October 24, 2011


Posted by Zhakieya Haenim at 6:16 AM 0 comments

today, i was shocked by the news about the death of my class president during my time in mjsc taiping... he got brain tumour stage 4. nobody realized about it until last friday.  it was so sudden,, nobody was prepared for it.

he was the best class president we ever had.

all the memories will be kept in our heart.

all the laughters, tears, frowns, smiles and fights,, all became the sweetest memories.

"tears don't fall",,, 
a phrase he used in his journal, a title of a song. something that touched my heart.

may Allah bless him. may he be among the Solehin,, the Mujahideen,, 

for all the people who love him, shower him with all your du'a. 
please be strong and prepare ourseves for the hereafter, as it becomes nearer to us day by day.

his lost are truly felt. 
a special person and a hardworking student.
a keen president.

(the most left)


Friday, October 21, 2011

2 Years Old Yuyue

Posted by Zhakieya Haenim at 6:03 AM 0 comments

i just came back from my college. spending my time with my family in the living room and watching the news.

i haven't watch any news for a long time,,, and a news stung my heart.

it is about a little girl in china.... she was run by a van outside her family's shop. the van did stop for a while, then it ran away, crushing the poor girl again. what angered me is there are at least 18 people passing by that child but they ignored her. YES. ignored her,, and another vehicle come and crushed her leg. hasn't she had enough???

finally a trash collector came and help her. but it was too late... she cannot be saved because of major head injury. 

what happen to the world? it is getting scarier from time to time,, humans are turning into monstrous creatures. 

is there still hope for us? is there any love and compassion left? 

we are not living in this world forever. everybody will meet death......

believe in hereafter and try to be successful there. at least we should try...

may she rest in peace


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